Int'l Air Transport

Worldwide Coverage

Our company provides services from all cities in the world along with our vast agent partner network across the globe, we connect United Arab Emirates and the rest of the world providing you with efficient sole and consolidation services.

Our Preferred Carriers Program leverages our strategic partnerships with airlines to provide access to whatever capacity you need at rates you can afford and transit times that meet your shipment requirements.

Air Freight Features

Door to Door Services

Legend Shipping strives to deliver the best in high-value, low-priced service. We are a freight forwarding company that provides door-to-door service from/to any place in the world. We are a group of a professional family who will work hard to deliver your boxes without any delay.

Express Courier

We offer fast worldwide courier services with competitive rates. Customers can trace their shipments though our trace and track system

We pick up today & deliver on the same day. For economic rates, we pick up today & deliver within 72 hours.



We arrange insurance certificate policy for all cargoes transportation. We can offer full cover insurance by trusted companies and handle the claim issues in case of any trouble happened until we successfully recover the loss.


Tracking & Tracing


You can trace your shipment status after booking using one of the booking references whether Master or House airway bill number. Also, you can trace all your shipments easily without any reference number by logging on our VIP program where can see detailed process timely.

Misc Services

Air Charters

We can offer aviation services through our worldwide offices and agents. Landing & Over flight permissions, Fuel, Catering & Hotel reservations.

We can offer competitive rates for sea & air charters with full complete services.


Our warehousing experts can manage your distribution and handle your transportation needs to ensure that you have a strong and highly competitive supply chain. We can store your goods, pick and pack them as required and then distribute your order to any location that you require throughout the world. Combined with our vast range of services we are able to deliver a tailor-made logistical solution to suit our client’s requirements.

Our strategic relationship with warehouse providers ensure that we are able to meet all our customer needs with regards to the following storage:

•Frozen/ chilled
•Temperature controlled
•Bulk storage
In addition to all related services like packing/wrapping using suitable standard packaging equipments.